Welcome to Explore!

Welcome to Explore Academy! Our mission is to unlock each child’s genius through kindness, community, and delight. We offer unique early education solutions in an intentional, nurturing setting, perfect for parents seeking a balanced, real-world approach to Montessori education.



Freedom within Limits: Building Trust and Respect

At Explore Academy, we embrace the concept of “Freedom within Limits” to foster an environment where children feel both trusted and respected. This approach, inspired by Dr. Maria Montessori, doesn’t mean that students can do anything they want, whenever they want, without consequences. Instead, it means we provide opportunities for children to make choices within clear, thoughtful boundaries.

For example, if a child wants to use a specific math material but another student is already working with it, we deliberately limit the number of materials available. This teaches valuable lessons in patience, self-control, and time management. We guide the child to either select an alternative activity or quietly observe, thus providing them with choices while maintaining a respectful environment for all.

This approach extends through every stage of development. A toddler who resists putting on a coat on a chilly day might be offered a choice between a green coat or a red coat. The limit is that the child must wear a coat, but they have the freedom to choose which one, giving them a sense of control. Similarly, a Middle School student tasked with raising funds for a field trip will have the freedom to design and run their fundraising effort, learning from both successes and challenges.

Our goal is not to control learning but to guide it. Unlike traditional classrooms where memorization and uniform pacing are common, our classrooms encourage children to explore their individual interests, ask questions, and follow their own learning paths. This approach teaches them that their opinions and ideas are valued.

Respect forms the foundation of our community values, helping us navigate both freedoms and limits effectively. Our students and staff practice these core values daily:

  • Respect for Oneself: Developing self-esteem and personal responsibility through a supportive and empowering community.
  • Respect for Others: Balancing personal ambitions with an awareness of others’ needs, fostering friendships, celebrating diversity, and contributing to the common good.
  • Respect for the Environment: Caring for our resources and the planet out of love and stewardship.

At Explore Academy, we believe that respect and thoughtful boundaries cultivate a learning environment where every child can thrive and grow.

nancy mcnabb head of school montessori preschool



The Observant and Aware Adult

At Explore Academy, we understand that creating a well-prepared learning environment is only part of the Montessori approach. The true essence of Montessori education lies in the role of the observant and aware adult. While our classrooms are meticulously designed to support each child’s development, it is the teacher’s role to guide and adapt to each student’s unique educational journey.

Montessori educators undergo extensive training, honing their skills in observation and flexibility to effectively meet the diverse needs of their students. This preparation allows them to offer a variety of lessons tailored to different ages and developmental stages throughout the day. A Montessori teacher must remain calm and perceptive, ready to step in with guidance whenever a child needs support or a new challenge.

Dr. Maria Montessori’s innovative methods were built on years of careful observation. Her teachings emphasize the importance of teachers being centered on the child rather than themselves. As her son, Mario Montessori, noted, “If a Montessori teacher has any secret it is that the teacher is child-centered, not self-centered. Interest in each child in the class, especially the difficult, trying ones, must be sincere or the teacher will stop learning about them and be unable to help them.” This perspective fosters a deep connection between teacher and student, allowing educators to respond to each child’s needs with empathy and insight.

When you enter a Montessori classroom, you might observe children working independently or in small groups, receiving guidance from a teacher or an older student, or a teacher leading a lesson to the whole class while another teacher observes. Far from being passive, this observation is a crucial aspect of teaching. It enables educators to gain a deeper understanding of each child’s learning style and needs, allowing them to provide tailored support and encouragement.

At Explore Academy, we are committed to this principle of mindful observation, ensuring that our educators are always attuned to their students’ evolving needs. This approach not only enhances the learning experience but also reflects our dedication to nurturing each child’s growth with respect and care.



The Prepared Environment

At Explore Academy, we honor the vision of Dr. Maria Montessori, who revolutionized early childhood education by designing classrooms that empower children to learn independently and effectively. When Dr. Montessori began her work, traditional classrooms were designed to maximize teacher control and efficiency in delivering a set curriculum. However, Montessori recognized that young children possess an extraordinary capacity to absorb and retain knowledge, and she understood that learning occurs differently at various stages of development.

Recent advances in brain science have validated Montessori’s groundbreaking insights. In response to her observations, she established her first school, Casa dei Bambini, where she designed child-sized furniture and materials to enable children to interact with their environment effortlessly. Her approach was to create a space where children could take ownership of their learning without physical barriers.

Today’s Montessori classrooms continue to reflect this philosophy. You will see that everything is designed to be at the child’s level, with teachers using low stools rather than adult-sized chairs to work with young children. This arrangement allows children to access materials independently and comfortably, whether sitting at a table or on a work rug on the floor. This setup supports their individual learning styles and physical comfort, encouraging them to explore and engage freely.

The Montessori curriculum is meticulously structured, with each material serving a specific educational purpose and arranged thoughtfully on shelves based on the students’ interests and developmental needs. For instance, when a 15-month-old child waters a plant, they are engaged in a Practical Life lesson that fosters a range of skills:

  • Functional Independence: Learning to perform tasks independently.
  • Adaptation to Environment: Understanding the care needed for living things.
  • Development of Will: Making choices and following through with them.
  • Coordination and Refinement of Movement: Improving motor skills through practice.
  • Repetition: Mastering tasks through repeated attempts.
  • Order: Following a sequence of actions with attention to detail.
  • Enrichment of Language: Learning vocabulary related to their activities.
  • Self-Correction: Addressing and learning from mistakes.
  • Self-Esteem: Gaining confidence through successful independent tasks.

From the earliest stages through high school, Montessori materials and lessons are designed with careful consideration of each child’s developmental needs. Our educators are dedicated to understanding their students and creating environments that nurture their curiosity and support their growth.

At Explore Academy, we continue to embrace and build upon Dr. Montessori’s principles, ensuring that every classroom is a thoughtfully prepared space where students can thrive and develop a lifelong love of learning.



Visit our School

To truly grasp how Montessori education works and how it can benefit your child, there’s no substitute for experiencing it in action. At Explore Montessori, the passion and expertise of our staff, the focused curiosity on our students’ faces, and the warmth and support of our community are all part of what makes our environment unique. These elements are best appreciated in person, beyond what can be conveyed through a website.

We warmly invite any family interested in learning more about our approach to schedule a personalized campus tour. We offer tours every weekday morning during the school year, providing an opportunity to explore our campus, see our Montessori principles in practice, and find the right fit for your family. To get started, choose a campus, learn more about our offerings, and book your tour today.

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Parent Resources

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Boosting your child’s immune systems for a great school year!

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Summer, Explore Montessori Style

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